Bibliography A




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Athenaeum: Eine Zeitschrift. Edited by August Wilhelm Schlegel and Friedrich Schlegel. 3 vols. Berlin 1798–1800. — The original pagination differs slightly from that in the reprint Darmstadt 1960, which is followed here, though each volume is through-paginated in any case. — Often spelled Athenäum, even by the same writer, though the title page reads Athenaeum. Pagination on this site follows the reprint edition. Athenaeum (1799) and (1800) were reviewed anonymously in the Erlanger Litteratur Zeitung 5 (1801) 76 (20 April 1801), 601ndash;7.

Volume 1 was published by Friedrich Vieweg the elder, volumes 2 and 3 by Heinrich Fröhlich; each volume had two issues:

  • Athenaeum 1 (1798) issue 1 (pp. 1–177) appeared at Easter/May 1798
  • Athenaeum 1 (1798) issue 2 (pp. 178–354) appeared in July 1798
  • Athenaeum 2 (1799) issue 1 (pp. 1–180) appeared in early March 1799
  • Athenaeum 2 (1799) issue 2 (pp. 181–340) appeared in August 1799
  • Athenaeum 3 (1800) issue 1 (pp. 1–164) appeared in early April 1800
  • Athenaeum 3 (1800) issue 2 (pp. 165–354) appeared in August 1800

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