Letter 392c

392c. Andreas Röschlaub to Schelling in Würzburg: Landshut, 9 April 1805 [*]

[Landshut, 9 April 1805]

. . . I will, my friend, eternally find you worthy of respect, be it united in a single locale or living far removed from each other, and my love for you will never cease. I know your inner disposition, and though I may sometimes be in disagreement with you in matters of opinion, we will always remain one in our inner disposition.

You can be assured, my friend, that although I will never allow anyone, regardless of whom, to revile the Brunonian system, neither will I ever take it as a complete system or wholly successful theory or even as a theory in and of itself. I recently wrote you that what I view as my current theory will differ from the theory of stimulation as much as your own most recent work differs from some KantianFichtean piece. . . .

I completely approve of what you wish to bring to my attention in your journal. [1] I do, however, find it unreasonable for you to be annoyed by my having demonstrated to the over-eager heralds of your views that from 1797 to 1802 I had no reason to be ashamed of my opinion at the time [2] . . . concerning iatric therapeutics (therapeutic medicine in the narrower sense), I intend to show that what Brown presented to us did indeed have a higher meaning that even Brown himself could not recognize. But he set more into motion than he actually accomplished. . . .

Something you will not believe but that is nonetheless quite certain is that Herr Marcus did not miss a single opportunity in Munich to denigrate me in his (Jewish) fashion. [3] I . . . forgive him for it, since he is and simply will always remain just a Jew. But I also know that through his importunate cordiality he also did damage to your own position. I often enough tried to warn you. You are a man, and I — remain silent. I never learned the art of flattery, nor of adulation . . . let others do what they will. I will continue on my straightforward path, and you will see ultimately who your true friend was and is. [4] Let this be my final word concerning Marcus, whom I must in the end despise, just as so many upright men already despise him. . . . I have never acted ill toward him, though he has certainly done so often enough toward me. But not a word more . . .


[*] Source: Fuhrmans 3:203–4.

A letter attesting the further fraying of alliances among Schelling’s professional acquaintances (Neueste Post. Karte von Deutschland und den angrenzenden Laendern, ed. T. Molls [Vienna 1805]):



[1] Jahrbücher der Medicin als Wissenschaft I, 1. Uncertain allusion; perhaps Schelling’s announcement that he would be moving beyond the Brunonian method? See Schelling’s letter to Röschlaub in late September 1805 (letter 397b), note 4. Concerning the journal, see Caroline’s letter to Anna Maria Windischmann on 2 December 1804 (letter 388a), note 2. Back.

[2] See Röschlaub’s letter to Schelling on 26 January 1805 (letter 389b). Back.

[3] Marcus had been in Munich trying to salvage his own status after his authorship of the “News from Würzburg” had been revealed. See Marcus’s letters to Schelling on 13 and 14 October 1804 (letter 387f) and 4 November 1804 (letter 387j). Back.

[4] Concerning the friendship between Röschlaub and Schelling, see Röschlaub’s letter to Schelling on 26 January 1805 (letter 389b), note 5. Back.

Translation © 2017 Doug Stott