Letter 374f

374f. Schelling to Goethe in Weimar: Jena, 31 January 1803 [*]

Jena, 31 January 1803

. . . I have heard for certain that Schütz is working on a special brochure contra Schlegel and myself that will be appearing in a few days. [1] One can only imagine what sorts of new outbursts are to be anticipated in this regard. —

One would, to be sure, certainly wish that His Excellency, who grants merely space to his loyal servants here, might at least shield them from such atrocities that disrupt and interrupt them so severely in their work. [2] . . .


[*] Sources: Goethe und die Romantik 1:230; Fuhrmans 2:487. Back.

[1] Christian Gottfried Schütz, Species facti nebst Actenstücken zum Beweise dass Hr. Rath August Wilh. Schlegel der Zeit in Berlin mit seiner Rüge, worinnen er der Allgem. Lit. Zeitung eine begangne Ehrenschändung fälschlich aufbürdet, niemanden als sich selbst beschimpft habe / von C. G. Schuetz. Nebst einem Anhange über das Benehmen des Schellingischen Obscurantismus (Jena, Leipzig 1803):


(“Species facti [the particular character or peculiar circumstances of the thing done; the particular criminal act charged against a person] along with documents proving that Herr Rath Schlegel, currently residing in Berlin, has rebuked no one but himself with his Rebuke, in which he falsely accuses the Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung of having committed a defamation of honor / by C. G. Schuetz. With an addendum concerning the comportment of Schellingian obscurantism”).

The publication was intended as a response to Wilhelm Schlegel’s To the Public. Rebuke of a Defamation of Honor Perpetrated in the Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (letter/document 371b). Back.

[2] Schelling is soliciting what he doubtless hopes will be Goethe’s intervention with Duke Karl August on behalf of Wilhelm and himself against the determined resistance of the wily Christian Friedrich Schütz and the latter’s dogged refusal to be intimidated either by Wilhelm’s To the Public. Rebuke of a Defamation of Honor Perpetrated in the Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (letter/document 371b) or by Schelling’s vague threats. Back.

Translation © 2016 Doug Stott